My blog, originally started in 2008, has run into technical difficulties over the years and I find myself recreating the blog on a new platform. I’m going to give it some life by sharing some of the older (but still pertinent) posts. This post from the good ole pre-COVID times when school was in person and tennis teams played one another. Hopefully we will be back to those times soon.
Original Title: Ticket issued in Monte Vista HS parking lot today
Today on my morning run as I was passing MVHS, I saw the big sign lit up with the value “EMPATHY”.
At this point, I noticed the sheriff, in the process of ticketing a car in the parking lot. With the backdrop of “EMPATHY,” this just seemed ironic. Without breaking stride, I pointed it out to her (when I said “sheriff,” you pictured a male didn’t you?), and rather breathlessly encouraged her to consider the sentiment. But although EMPATHY was bright and bold for a full 10 seconds, as she swung her head around to see what I was gesturing at, it faded into “Happy Birthday Jason!”
Perhaps she thought I was trying to tell her it was Jason’s car, but I’m afraid her pen was already in rapid fluid motion on the pad. So, with empathy for the (evidently non-) carpooler, I ran on past the Monte Vista tennis courts, reflecting on the last time I had been there.
It was last weekend, when my tennis team played an away match vs a team that uses the MVHS courts as their home courts. It was a Saturday at 1pm, and Monte Vista was bustling with activity. I’m used to playing tennis in a tranquil setting, which is nice—but this was fun too: there was a noisy game going on in the field, the parking lot was completely full with cars circling hoping for space, families with babies and dogs were loudly passing by, and the marching band was loudly practicing next to us.
It made me think about all the reasons I love living here, and why so many people gravitate to this location. The schools are great: despite my kids being “Wolves” (from rival San Ramon Valley HS), there’s no arguing Monte Vista is simply gorgeous with the feeling of a college campus and views of the hills in every direction. SRVHS is fabulous in its own right, with views of the Las Trampas hills and wonderfully situated in darling downtown Danville. And if you think the 4th of July parade isn’t a good enough reason to move to Danville/Alamo, then you haven’t attended it: literally my favorite day of the year to be in Danville. Our weather is amazing; I love the fact that I play tennis year-round with only the occasional rained-out match. When we crave snow, we can drive a few hours and be surrounded by it (ok, not this year, but in general).
Sometimes I miss living in a place with four seasons (I grew up in Colorado, although I’ve been here since 1983). But then I run to meet friends on the tennis court, and I relish the one great season we have!